In order to understand effective ways for memorization, one must understand various components of long-term memory. Consider, humans are more likely to remember items processed in a deep, meaningful fashion rather than items presented in a shallow, superficial way. Similarly, we are more likely to remember items if the context at the time of encoding matches the context at retrieval. Furthermore, emotional factors greatly influence memory accuracy and we must be aware of mood congruence.
Deeper levels of information processing produces better recall in which distinctiveness (how is information distinct) and elaboration (how meaningful is the information) are present. With memorization, one must also note that individuals tend to do better on recall tasks that are relatable to real-life events (ecological validity) and are approached after a long delay-- encoding is strong in these type situations. More pleasant information is remembered more accurately than negative information as well.
Therefore, an effective way to memorize is to consider a deeper encoding process in which the material is actively being processed. With deeper processing, awareness of ones environment, and portioned out time for learning, memorization is easily feasible. We can develop our brains by actively learning and applying information, not just simply memorizing things.