12 Questions 13 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Olivia Barry
For the past few months I have been thinking through how our favorite songs become our favorite songs-- an experience, instrumentation, lyrics, etc. I am curious as to what happens on the chemical...
08 August 2019 9,648 2 View
If a song is played louder does it increase or decrease our enjoyment towards a song? Do we have to already enjoy or dislike a song in order to notice the influence of volume? Any possible...
08 August 2019 8,457 8 View
Thinking in terms of a social setting such as a dance, a concert, a meal, if an experiment were to be designed in such a way, how can the method be validated? Similarly, what role would...
08 August 2019 2,790 3 View
I have been reading Thomas Kuhn's book "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" lately. Kuhn notes that paradigms set us up for phenomena, theories, significant questions, and examples by which...
03 March 2019 2,274 3 View
Recently, I came across the idea that thoughts may or may not be paired. Meaning, thoughts either lead us to naturally paired other thoughts or a different train of thought completely. Here is an...
12 December 2018 1,960 5 View
I recently dove into what happens physiologically to the body when inner speech is taking place. Apparently, the larynx is making tiny muscular movements when that little voice inside of your head...
12 December 2018 8,506 5 View
Cognitively and evolutionarily, where does laughter come from and why do we utilize it as a response?
09 September 2018 6,557 5 View
Looking for resources, comments, or general explanations! Thank you in advance.
08 August 2018 9,493 3 View
I was thinking about how the brain releases chemicals such as dopamine and serotonin just the other day. Do thoughts have the ability to release chemicals or are actions/responses, such as...
07 July 2018 2,700 6 View
Background Information: A good dance friend of mine recently revealed to me that he has Parkinson's. During a recent dance clinic I decided to use what I know about music and Parkinson's (music...
07 July 2018 1,594 4 View
Recently I have been reading about the role of affect, feelings, and emotions when looking at memory. It has been found that depressed individuals, for example, remember significantly less than...
03 March 2018 9,461 0 View
Recently, in my Psych of Music class, we were discussing the influence that music therapy (MT) has on people with aphasia after suffering a traumatic brain injury. After watching a video on Gabby...
12 December 2017 5,872 12 View