Dear Sirs / Madams,
I am working on a blast based problem in LS DYNA. I am stuck at a point and therefore, I seek for help. The problem is stated as under:
A human dummy is lying on sand (soild part). There is a 200gm TNT burried in sand 25mm beneath the nose of dummy. I need to determine the effect of TNT on dummy. For this, I have prepared, Multi Material for sand and TNT using ALE_MULTIMATERIAL_GROUP. I have used INITIAL_VOLUME_FRACTION_GEOMETRY where TNT is a slave and radius of tnt is 20mm. Then I used INITIAL_DETONATION where I have given centre of tnt. Finially I used Control and DATAbase. After postprocessing, I am not getting required results. Dummy must perform a somersault due to explosion, but it is just going up and down. From this , I understood that explosion is taking place but not giving a required effect. Further, I replaced detonation with load_blast_enhanced and load_segment_set. Now I am getting expected results. I could not understand what is the difference in using the two options i.e. detonation and load_segment. Whether I am missing something while using detonation option? Clearing these doubts may help me to improve my concepts. It will be great, if you could guide me in this regard. Thanks in advance