Personal ethics should preceed job ethics. But in most cases we forget or forced to forget the same. In jobs many of times we need to take decission which may not be ethical. In
Personal ethics is a category of philosophy defining a person's codes of conduct or his/her beliefs about what is right or wrong. More notably, personal ethics deals with moral factors shaping an individual's conscience such as honesty, commitment, integrity, accountability and so on. On the other hand, job ethics refers to the combination of personal and organizational rules dominating the individuals' behavior within a specific profession. It is suggested that personal ethics are developed from childhood and the individual's background and socialization process have a great bearing on its development ,whereas job ethics are those guidelines imposed on the working staff within a given corporate context. Although we might not like to admit it, the two types of ethics under scrutiny are different in important ways. For one thing, an individual has the right to alter and/or modify his/her personal ethics, but is not able to change the ethical values established by the job standards . Another thing is that values like commitment and accountability overlap in the job context and they are no more personal. On this basis, it can be stated that personal and job ethics may experience conflicting situations where organizational and personal values differ in sensitive ways.
Personal ethics refers to the ethics that a person identifies with in respect to people and situations that they deal with in everyday life.
Professional ethics refers to the ethics that a person must adhere to in respect of their interactions and business dealings in their professional life.
The notion of professional ethics can be seen as a connection between the two. Individuals have their personal ethics rooted in their values and also they have been trained in certain ways and have worked on specific situations which has shaped their professional ethics. Ideally, individuals need to consciously evaluate their professional values with their personal values to remove or lessen the conflicts. Individuals bring both personal and professional ethics to their work. To me, job ethics might be a more specific and narrow topic which has to do with one's position in a specific organization. That being said, it might also diminish it to certain rules of behavior which might or might not reflect the personal ethics of an individual in that position.
If one considers ethics as the project of asking "what should I do?", where any intentional choice and decision is based on the desire to improve or maximize value, there should be a certain consistency between personal and job/employment choices. Unless, of course, the values being chosen are not actual values, but are choices made under duress, coercion, etc....