I have been working through some XRD results, and have been comparing between a pure metal oxide and a mixed metal oxide. (Approx 80% of the host oxide to 20% of the added oxide). I had expected that I would achieve an extra peak position(s), as has the only other study of the material I am looking at, however this is not what I get.

Instead, I seem to be shifting the peak from 37.1 (2 theta) to 38.4.

Now I presume that what I am observing is the lattice parameter decreasing, because of structural relaxation or elimination of defects (not that I am expecting any) or something else?

Also, I am intrigued by my results as interestingly I seem to be obtaining very strongly orientated films (i.e. displaying only one observable characteristic peak) and have managed to achieve this by two different techniques (e-beam and sputtering). Could the substrate be responsible for this? (the depositions were both performed at room temperature on identical amorphous ITO substrates).

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