I have been working with some new materials in my research and there are no pre-existing studies which assist in my choice of potentials for chronoamperometry. I understand the basic theory behind CV and have used CV successfully for other materials in the past, however the materials were comparatively well documented so detailed analysis was not required.

I have CV data for my films (see example attached) and I am wanting to know which potential values I should use for my CA? (I am thinking -0.3V and +1.1V at the moment)

Have I chosen suitable potentials for my CV? Is there a way of determining what potentials you should use for CV and CA for new materials or systems? What else might I be able to derive from this CV plot?

Finally, a side question if I may, how does one use CV to calculate charge capacity accurately? I can get an idea of the charge capacity and compare film side-by-side using my CA data, but I am wishing to quantify the charge capacity.

If you need any further information I can repeat some of the tests with new samples.

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