A bit of a complex situation but I was hoping that possibly you might be able to assist me with understanding what is happening in my system and how I might quantify it.

Basically I am attempting to perform chrono amperometry on TiO2 films in KOH. Many studies have looked at LiClO4/PC and H2SO4 as an electrolyte with TiO2 and I cannot, or rather do not wish to use these as I wish to have basic conditions and have issues with LiClO4 as PC reacts with my cell and H2SO4 as it dissolves my ITO electrode from beneath the porous TiO2.

What is happening is that if I use the following setups (with 0.1M KOH) I see no activity:-

Setup 1:

WE - TiO2

CE - Pt

Ref - Ag/AgCl

Potentials - +0.6 / -0.7V Vs ref

Setup 2:

WE - Pt

CE - TiO2

Ref - Ag/AgCl

Potentials - +0.7 / -0.6V Vs ref

Setup 3:

WE - TiO2

CE - NiOx

Ref - Ag/AgCl

Potentials - +0.6 / -0.7V Vs ref

However when I use the following setup I see expected activity and get what seems like very good results:-

Setup 4:

WE - NiOx

CE - TiO2

Ref - Ag/AgCl

Potentials - +0.7 / -0.6V Vs ref

Why do I get activity only in setup 4?

I measured the potentials between the CE and ref using a multimeter and found that the potentials were most stable at -1.38/1.74v (initially over 3v in the positive direction), however if I use -1.38v/1.74v or even less (i.e. +/-1.2v) for setups 1 & 3 and I do get 'some activity' but the TiO2 delaminates / the ITO underneath is damaged.

How can I test my charge capacity for the TiO2 layer without damaging it and why would the charge capacity be greater when using a reactive NiO counter electrode. (The TiO2 layer receives more charge not just the NiO in this situation, as confirmed by other means)

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