
I currently work on electrochromic materials and devices in the UK. I am interested to know if there are any of you whom are working with solid polymer electrolytes and would be interested in collaborating?

I have worked on and managed to produce a few working polymer electrolytes, however as it is not currently the main topic of my research I believe it would be useful to build a collaboration.

This collaboration would require that the polymer have the following attributes:-

- be transportable - i.e. - samples could be sent between labs

- be stable within a minimum potential tolerance of +/-1.5V, A temperature tolerance between 5 and 70 degrees Celsius (preferably -10 and 85 degrees)

- The mobile species should be H+, Li+ or OH-

- The polymer has to be reasonably optically transmissive in the visible range (400-800nm). Coloured polymers may be acceptable. Opaque is NOT acceptable.

What I would propose is that you would be able to optimise your novel polymer electrolyte for conductivity (with respect to salt concentration etc) and characterise the polymer with respect to its temperature dependent behaviour etc. Your optimised polymer would then be sent to my labs where I could combine it with the new and existing electrochromic materials I have been working on to build a fully functional device. I would characterise the electrochromic function and performance of the device, the materials and polymer as part of the device and work with yourself to try and secure publication in a peer reviewed journal.

If you know anyone whom may be interested please pass this on. Thanks :-)

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