I am on a trial to demonstrate the cell migration under knockdown conditions. Is anyone experienced with such assay for murine cardiomyocytes.HL1 (adult). Any suggestion will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance
The pore size and the characteristics of trans well membranes are very important. 3 um pore size and polyester (PET) membrane might be good for you. See this guide (table 3): http://csmedia2.corning.com/LifeSciences/Media/pdf/transwell_guide.pdf
I recommend live microscopy. This allows you to see what your cells are doing (in control or KD conditions) with a lot of details. Maybe your cells have an active membrane, a lot of ruffling etc. It will also allow you to distinguish what type of migration these cells show: collective or single cell, amoeboid or mesenchymal, etc.
All this level of detail provides you with a lot more information, For example, if your gene KD affects migration mode rather than speed, you would not find this with transwell assays, but live microscopy will show you these effects.