02 February 2015 9 3K Report

  I have a problem about small intestine in western blotting. My problem is probably homogenization process. In the previous experience that our study group did, we couldn't find the completely correct process even though we searched nearly all homogenization methods on internet.

  Although we choose the appropriate protein quantity, we couldn't obtain any bands in many our repetitive experiment. Moreover, small intestine homogenates is blurry. SDS-Page gel doesn't run properly. Our problems are only in small intestine because of that we think that we don't know key trick.

-Is there anything to do before doing homogenization of small intestine?

-How much do you choose the quantity of protein of small intestine homogenates for loading into gel?

-You might be using the special or different lysis buffer or lysis buffer combination.

-If you have a correct method way that you get good results, can you share?

  If you can help me, I'll be grateful. Thank you in advance. I'm waiting.

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