The choice of selecting an appropriate statistical test to calculate the MN frequency will depend on the raw data you obtained from your experiments. First, feed your raw data on any suitable statistical tool, check normality whether your data followed normal distribution or not. Based on that, proceed either parametric or non-parametric tests.
It depends on your study approach and data distribution. Although the significant differences between controls and exposed groups is usually reported using the Chi-square test (Ferraro et al., 2004; Lopez-Poleza, 2004; Cavas et al., 2005), other statistical analysis using non-parametric tests such as Mann-Whitney test (Lopes-Poleza, 2004; Grisolia et al., 2005; Bucker et al., 2006; Vanzella, 2006; Andreikënaitë et al., 2007), ¨ or Kruskal-Wallis test (Beninca, 2006; Matsumoto et al., 2006; ´
Vanzella, 2006) are valid and recommended according to the data distribution.
You can use test Analysis two-tailed variance (ANOVA) with design randomized block (nonparametric ANOVA) or nonparametric statistics Kruskal-Wallis test
it depends on your data. In the most cases they are not normally distributed, therefore you can use a non-parametric test such as Mann Whitney (for two groups) or Kruskal Wallis (for more than two groups).