I need to study the Eg for TiO2 using UV visible spectrophotometer. Kindly may I know the best solvent for nanoTiO2 powder? or necessary of sonification if not a good solvent? Or dispersion of the TiO2 in any liquid? Kindly suggest..
Water, ethanol or methanol are ideal solvent but dispersing them via sonication is critical along with concentration of nanoparticles. It would be good to start with a diluted and sonicated solution of TiO2 to study the optical properties via UV-visible.
The best way to study Eg for powder material such as nanoparticles is using DRS (it is a kind of uv-vis spectroscopy base on powder materials). But if you would like to study it by uv-vis base on solvent, ethanol is the better option.
Dear it was not necessary that uv-spectroscopy required samples in powder form. You can doped it in PVA transparent film, get nano-particle of TiO2 and than easily measure Eg .