Hello guys,
I have a serious problem with genotyping of IR flox mice.
First I did according the Jackson Protocol: https://www.jax.org/Protocol?stockNumber=006955&protocolID=16534
It should make 2 bands of WT=105 and Mut:145 bp but my results are different.
I can see bands of 105 and 200 and many of samples just show a smear instead of bands.
I changed the DNA extraction from homemade to REDExtract N Amp from sigma but no improvement.
The PCR kit was KAPA mouse genotyping and after that the red-extract.
I tried to change the annealing temperature but it did not improve the results.
I attached a picture of the Gel. No 1 is Jackson IR fl/fl and others are some of our mice.
I appreciate any help to solve this problem.
Best wishes,