Dear all,

Few years ago, I used miRCURY Biofluids from Exiqon for extracting RNA from plasma for detecting miRNA by qPCR. However, this product is currently discontinued since Exiqon is now integrated with Qiagen. So from your latest experience, what is the best method to extract RNA (including miRNA) from plasma if it is needed for NGS RNA sequencing? do you use a kit for extracting only miRNA such as NucleoSpin® miRNA Plasma (MACHEREY-NAGEL)? or do you use a kit for extracting the total RNA such as miRNeasy Serum/Plasma Advanced Kit (QIAGEN)?

I am wondering if you use the total RNA for NGS sequencing, high proportion is mRNA, have you any idea/experience how that could affect to the sequencing of the small RNAs?

Thank you,



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