Katsusaburō Yamagiwa induced squamous cell carcinomas on the ears of rabbits using coal tar, which demonstrated the carcinogenic properties of the chemical of interest. Depending on the species, however, the degree of the carcinogen activity is different.
Actually i want to study in vivo anticarcinogenic property of a plant ...so i have to design my study like this. Although i m also in favour of animal ethics...
Is there any other way to study in vivo anticancer activity of a plant without using animal model and cancer cell line...
Secondly if i use carcinogen like CCl4 or Aflatoxin in oral administration it can cause cancer in other parts too inside animal. CCl4 and aflatoxin usualy target liver after a certain dose that is different for rat and rabit. But how can i know that carcinoma is now induced inside animal and my animal is ready for hisopathology.
First, let me clarify you that I have not done any experiment on animal models because we are still in planning phase. However, I have shared data that I have.
The paper in attachment will be helpful to you in this regard. "In the traditional two-stage skin carcinogenesis model, tumor initiation is accomplished by the application of a subcarcinogenic dose of a carcinogen. Subsequently, tumor development is elicited by repeated treatment with a tumor promoting agent."
Cancer in skin can be detected by palpation or by watching with naked eye if it is sufficiently large (which is usually the case). Cancer size is measured in centimeters and efficiency of treatment is reported as decrease in size over time.
Thank you: I better understand now what you intend to do.
However it seems to me that you are making a confusion between "anticancer" and "chemopreventive" effects.
The anticancer effects of a compound or an extract "X" relate to its potential in curing, or at least increasing the life duration of the "models used", and ideally of the cancer patients.
The chemopreventive effects relate to the potential of a compound or an extract "X" to avoid the apparition and further development of a cancer.
Modeling will be actually different in these two approaches.
Whatever it can be, inducing cancers in the ears of rabbits does not any more represent "modern research".
If you indicate me whether you are interested by actual "anticancer" versus "chemopreventive" effects, I can send you reviews about specific models.
You cannot study both effects in a same model.
Best regards
A question for Mubashar: are the experiments you describe actually approved by a ethic committee for animals?
Ps for Mubashar: I am evidently not talking about the skin model of acrcinogenesis described in the article you refer to. I know this model. This is a moude model, not a rabbit model.
I am asking about similar experiments to be done in rabbits (ears).
Dear Robert Kiss, your concern about ethics and animal welfare is very much valid and this is why I have not done this experimentation. Rather, I am planning to join a research group in an technologically advanced country who have such facilities. The models I have shared are those I found in literature some time ago. Most currently used models use immunosuppressed mice and induction of tumor using human cancer cells (humanized). I hope you have more knowledge about this.
One more thing relevant to this question is that cancer is caused and cured by many pathways. For a new extract, it may be desirable to first search literaure for mechanism of action proposed for cancer treatment/prevention and do a preliminary study to prove this effect. This may also suggest a specific type of cancer that can be treated with this extract.
Your comments in this regard will be very helpful to us.
Dear Robert ...i want to study the curative effect extract against aflatoxin induced carcinoma in Rabbits.
in designing this...first i will have to induce the carcinoma by oral administration of aflatoxin recommended dose and time that vary from animal to animal. then after 15 days i will start extract administration. Keeping aphysiological changes in record like weight, apetite, activity afetr 15 days i will check CBC and Lliver LFTS includind its biospy.
this is my plan of work for my PhD, totally new in my uni, no previous experimentation. I want to start it just on prelimnary base. secondly here i want to mention i dont have well equiped lab for culture study and cell line , cancer markers, immuno assays and other instrumentations.
for your surprise, for the work i mentioned above, i have to merge 4 departments and have to consult 2 hospitals for animal testing, CBC, liver histology and LFTs...
As I mentioned we are also in similar condition, we can join to arrange some facilities that are not possible for either of us alone. We have facilities in nanotechnology (Nanobiotech Group, NIBGE) and animal handling (Department of Pharmacology, Islamia University). You can personal message for this purpose.