01 January 1970 1 3K Report

Any thoughts on what is a good proportion of populated truth table rows in QCA? I did a QCA study once with 109 cases and 5 conditions (32 rows). After setting a frequency threshold of 2, I was left with 12 populates rows, containing 80 per cent of the cases. And I got a solution that was perfectly interpretable. But perhaps I was a bit lucky, because I would consider having just one third of the truth table rows populated to be the bear minimum - even if that includes 80 per cent of the cases. I would argue that below 33 per cent populated truth table rows, your solution becomes a function of your logical remainders rather than of the actual cross-case patterns. I would aim to get >50 per cent populated truth table rows. However, there are no guidelines for the minimum number of truth table rows in QCA, as far as I know. So I would much appreciate your sharing your thoughts and suggestions. Many thanks, Roel.

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