Hello ! I have recently concluded the data analysis of a study which looks at Attitude, Anxiety towards robots and Trust as predictors of intention to use robots. The Multiple Regression Analysis has turned up results that indicate:
1. A very low R square value of 0.15 something indicating the predictor variables account for a very low 15% of variation in the dependent variable-intention to use robots
2. The correlations between Negative attitude towards robots and intention to use is a very weak negative , though significant r of -0.224
3. The correlations between Anxiety and intention to use robots is similar very weak and negative with r= -0.176 but is not significant
4. The lone predictor which is 'behaving' as expected is Trust ---the correlation between trust and intention to use robots is a low 0.334, significant at a value of 0.002
5.Worse, the Beta Coefficients which for both Attitude towards robots and Anxiety are not significant...however, the B coefficient for Trust is significant at 0.008
6. Paradoxically, the Anova Table seems to show an acceptable model with significance at 0.010
I have done the assumption for regression checks and they mostly seem to be in place.
My research study primarily proposed attitudes, anxiety and trust predicted intention to use robots. But the multiple regression, with its results as ,mentioned above seems to indicate only trust has an impact on intention to use robots while attitudes and anxiety do not !
My Question therefore is, if the multiple regression does not support the hypothesised prediction impact for 2 out of the 3 predictor variables, what should i do with this research study ? I was to present this research study at a Conference, but now I am not sure if I should even attend the Conference. Please guide. Thank you in advance and regards