We are culturing BJ fibroblasts in MEM on TPP yellow culture plates (10 and 15 cm). Recently our cells started to proliferate at a much lower rate than usual, and we checked that the problem was not coming from the incubators, medium, serum... Even freshly thawed cells eventually stop proliferating after 2 passages. When routinely looking at the cells under the microscope, I noticed that the number of dividing cells in the plate was normal, the same as you would expect if the cells were proliferating at their normal rate. However, many mitotic cells were detached and floating in the medium (particularly in telophase). I suspect a problem with the coating of the plates (I mean the normal surface treatment performed by the manufacturer, we don't additionally coat the plates ourselves for culturing the cells), but culturing the cells on different TPP plate lots didn't solve the problem. However, the cells grow normally in 96- or 24-well plates... Have you dealt with similar issues with BJ cells or other cell lines? Or had a problem with culture plate adhesion? Any feedback or help would be greatly appreciated!

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