Hi there,

I am using an optimalized protocol to detect BRCA1 and BRCA2 by Western blotting. This protocol worked for me nicely with one protein extract prepared from the whole 10 ml flask of U2OS (cells were lysed in 150 ul of 9M urea buffer with b mercaptoethanol, sonicated, than cooked at 55 C for 10 minutes), whereas I am not able to detect any of these proteins when I followed the same protocol, with a new protein extract, which I prepared from less amount of the same cells (6 well plates) and resuspend at 30 ul of different stock of 9M urea buffer with beta-mercaptoetOH, (this buffer was frozen before), but when measuring the protein amount using Bradford I had enough amount of protein to detect (approximately similar or even higher than the amout I used before and it worked). I usually use PVDF membrane which I activate in meOH, and for the transfer I use 10% methanol + 0.05% SDS. I am sure the Western worked as I used the old protein extract as a control on the same gel and I was able to detect both BRCA1 and BRCA2. 

Thank you for sharing any suggestions and ideas about what could be wrong.


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