Suppose you look in a new way at the structure of some mathematical object.

Given the simplicity and universality of that object, you wonder whether its disclosed structure fits (as a model) the result of a certain function f or algorithm over another structure patterns from another scientific domain.

Now suppose that through that function/algorithm's lens you find something that might be a common feature between those structures. But it probably is just a misleading coincidence...

Knowing that maybe you can always find a function f that transforms anything into anything, and that this kind of inquiry can be a time consuming process (program the algorithm, calculate mappings, ajust the algorithm to fit the results, etc..)

what criteria would you use to decide whether it is worthwile pursuing such tentative matching (through f or a) between the math structure and the pattern from your scientific domain, so that if you do get to find a final algorithm/function that works you can expect it to reveal a natural "law" of nature and not just a coding procedure?

Would the apparent function/algorithm have to be quite simple/small and look natural?

Would the apparent function/algorithm have to be totally absent of arbitray steps so that it seems to capture a "logical" map between both structures that you realize it could be no other way, or no smarter way?

Do you have any other attributes in mind?

Is this just something that you should never try for being against scientific methodology or even common sense (pick up a model and see where it fits?)

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