John Polkighorne's work seems to define an appropriate context, simultaneously scientific and religious, to consider a possible continuous interaction of God with the world. Between a God that ignores men free will and manipulates reality suspending the laws of nature he eventually created himself, and a passive God that acts as a mere witness of the world's suffering, Polkinghorne wonders whether there is a third way: could true randomness and non-predictability be Gods room for intervention? Accordingly, God could be placing information in the world for the possible use of those who believe and maintain a relationship with him (this is only my interpretation of one aspect of Polkinghorne's work). This sounds possible to me. If somebody is important to you, I find it natural that communication and interaction takes place with that person, human or god, in a context of affection. This might be the way to indirectly end up helping those who need it most.

But of course this is quite tricky. If you are not careful, you end up seeing God's hand everywhere. For some time now I have been trying to figure out some things about this interaction. I wonder if there is any aparent structure or rules in this interaction/events. Even if it does not work the same way for everybody, maybe some things are common.

How does one qualify one event to be an information holding event? Information might come through something odd, something unlikely, a coincidence. This is one condition, for you to perceive it as something to pay attention to. But it is not enough, because surely there are meaningless coincidences and odd events. How can we tell the diference? Maybe we can consider the following criteria, please add yours:


-Precision pointer to a specific one's (or other's) life issue

-Meaningfulness (comes from liason/continuity with the path one or other has gone so far)

-Makes sense from love's point of view

I hipothecize that usually God does not give information as a starter, information to be the very first input to anything. Information seems to come through an event that connects to, or signs, something already going on, a pointer. Information many times seems to be an invitation towards a new step about something already going on, or to avoid something taking place.

Machines are candidate producers of this kind of information – like when the coffey machine sometimes does not work and makes you wonder about some health condition you have. I say this because I read that electricity exhibits chaotic behaviour, which is a strong candidate physics phenomena to shelter god's intervention according to John Polkinghorne. But I am not sure this particular chaotic behaviour in electricity can produce meaningfull effects at the macroscopic level.

I believe that different pieces of given information do not contradict themselves or jeopardize our current responsabilities. If after considering it, we are very uncertain about the meaning of some event, it probably is not God's information. I also believe that you are not given a complete and easy answer to your problems or doubts. You might get help through a pointer to something that shows you a way, but it is up to you to follow it or not, because it is not obvious. If it were obvious you would take no active part in receiving that information – you would have almost no choice. So the logic is always that of a relationship where both parts play a role and the ties are based on faith. Without faith it does not make sense to qualify these events as meaningful and use their information.

I know this might sound crazy to many people so I ask answers preferably from those who have faith, a personal relationship with God, or at least believe in the possibility of this interaction. But answers are welcomed from anyone who read anything about this enquiry anywhere. For the most sceptical, one can tentatively replace the word "God" with "A lot more advanced extraterrestrial civilization".

Are you aware of the work of any theologians or serious spiritual people with a scientific inquiry attitude who have tried to understand, capture and describe the logic of these interactions?

I know one can say that this is a matter of the spirit, a mistery, but like John Polkinghorne, I prefer to use that argument only when nothing else works, after trying to understand by all means.

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