In a directed network of agents passing knowledge to each other how fast does information in a node grow with the number of edges incident on it? Linearly or exponentially with the number of edges? If on one hand the knowledge of the node agent seems to grow with the sum of the knowledge shared through the incoming edges, on the other hand each item of information shared through one edge might recombine with each item of other edges incoming information, to form new items of information. For example if agent A tells me that there is a traffic jam near the shopping center and agent B tells me that today morning there are big sales there, I get to acquire a third peace of information from combining what agent A and Agent B told me, which is that the traffic jam is caused by the sales and won't stop until the sails are over. Any ideas on which model better suits reality? Sorry if this sounds as a rather naïve question, but since it is related, but not central to my research, I did not get to do a literature search on it.

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