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Questions related to Algorithms
I would be grateful for suggestions to solve the following problem. The task is to fit a mechanistically-motivated nonlinear mathematical model (4-6 parameters, depending on version of assumptions...
15 April 2020 2,300 12 View
What will be a suitable model for solving the regression problem? Is there any hybrid algorithm or new model/framework exist to solve this problem in deep learning. How much deep learning is...
03 April 2020 7,775 3 View
When doing machine learning, do we normally use several algorithms for comparison? For example, if the RMSE of SVM is 0.1, how do I come up with the conclusion that this model performed well? Just...
01 March 2020 10,031 8 View
Dear all, I have a watershed and wish to randomly split the watershed into different 'artificial' farms, and the farm area should follow an exponential distribution as found empirically from...
21 January 2020 3,945 3 View
I am currently working on a binary classification of EEG recordings and I came across with CSP. As far as I understand, CSP allows you to choose the best features by maximizing the variance...
21 January 2020 7,691 2 View
I am working on optimizing well placement in the condensate reservoir model using an algorithm. Any kind of code example will be appreciated.
08 January 2020 4,714 3 View
Hello, I am working with a convex hull in n-dimensions (n>3) and I am having problems generating points on the convex hull surface. Ideally, I would like the points to be uniformly distributed or...
07 January 2020 378 3 View
Hell, everyone. I am a student of electrical engineering and my research field is related to the optimization of a power system. I know that the algorithm that we should choose depends on our...
31 October 2019 2,957 29 View
10 October 2019 7,350 11 View
In an AEC configuration as shown in the Fig.1, let us consider u(n), the far-end speech signal and x(n), the near-end speech signal. The desired signal is d(n)=v(n)+x(n), where v(n) is the echo...
25 September 2019 4,218 1 View
In the ε-constraint method, one objective will be used as the objective function, and the remaining objectives will be used as constraints using the epsilon value as the bound. In this case: -...
07 July 2019 2,728 12 View
When i compute the time complexity of cipher text policy attribute based encryption CP-ABE . I found it O(1) by tracing each step in code which mostly are assignments operations. Is it possible...
27 June 2019 5,751 4 View
06 June 2019 4,295 6 View
Intuitively, Maximum Likelihood inference on high frequency data should be slow, because of the large data set size. I was wondering if anyone has experience with slow inference, I can make...
06 June 2019 8,681 2 View
Is any polynomial (reasonably efficient) reduction which makes possible solving the LCS problem for inputs over any arbitrary alphabet through solving LCS for bit-strings? Even though the...
04 April 2019 8,913 2 View
Intel's SGX extensions create isolated application enclaves, which disallow information leakage and unverified access to private data. However, SGX is now known to be broken as some works have...
19 March 2019 4,241 3 View
Current parallel BFS algorithms are known to have reduced time complexity. However, such cases do not take into account synchronization costs which increase exponentially with the core count. Such...
26 February 2019 5,046 3 View
Synchronization and memory costs are becoming humongous bottlenecks in today's architectures. However, algorithm complexities assume these operations as constant, which are done in O(1) time. What...
26 February 2019 3,324 4 View
Graph algorithms such as BFS and SSSP (Bellman-Ford or Dijkstra's algorithm) generally exhibit a lack of locality. A vertex at the start of the graph may want to update an edge that exists in a...
26 February 2019 2,365 2 View
Dijkstra's algorithm performs the best sequentially on a single CPU core. Bellman-Ford implementations and variants running on the GPU outperform this sequential Dijkstra case, as well as parallel...
23 February 2019 4,148 1 View
I've read so many about the Coin Change problem, debates about wheather it is solvable using Greedy, Dynamic Programming and so on. Nevertheless I cannot find an application of this problem....
06 February 2019 5,091 3 View
02 February 2019 1,890 4 View
Some workloads or even inputs perform well on GPUs, while others perform well on multicores. How do we decide which machine to buy for a generic problem base for optimal performance? Cost is NOT...
02 February 2019 628 4 View
02 February 2019 8,680 1 View