As an author and a member of editorial boards of some scientific journals, I have observed the growing concern on the delay in manuscript review due the difficulty in finding suitable and willing reviewers. Publishing manuscripts/papers in reputable scientific journals takes an average of one calendar year. It could be higher in some well sought-after journals. It is noted that about 65-70 % of the time is spent getting the paper reviewed. Many of our colleaqgues are not willing to accept review request due to high workload while some who are willing may delay the review beyond tolerable time.

Also, there is geometric increase in the number of Journals with disproportionate increase in researchers willing to review manuscripts. The known and outstanding researchers/reviewers are over-requested or oversubscribed, while the green horn are seen to be inexperienced and not invited to review. Therefore, there is need to increase the number of reviewers, but how ....? Also, there is need to encourage researchers & academic professionals to accept review request and complete review within reasonable and acceptable time frame.

I am currently working on a review paper on how and ways to encourage timely review of manuscripts and how to reward manuscript reviewers.

I am inviting contributions form researchers/authors, in a form of answers to the question. Please contribute generously.

The following suggestions come to mind:

i.introduction of manuscript reviewer score cards

ii.issuance of certificate of credit to manuscript reviewers

iii. inclusion of manuscript review points as a criterial for the promotion of academic/research staff



Thank you. to be updated

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