08 December 2013 10 899 Report

Bragg profile is also known as RCP-Rocking Curve Profile or RSP-Reciprocal Space Profile. Let us examine this difference between the substrate (usually CZ grown) and an epitaxial structure grown on it using MBE. We’d appreciate your erudite & honest analyses, critique and suggestions for improvement!

A. Instrumental profile for GaAs (004) theoretically computed using the Bruker Leptos System:


B. Experimental profile of GaAs (004) substrate contrasted with the theoretical GaAs (004):


C. Experimental profile of GaSb (004) substrate contrasted with the theoretical GaAs (004):


D. Experimental (004) profile of MBE grown 0.5µm epitaxial structure with 25nm period of InAsSb/InAs SL (super lattice) on GaSb (001) substrate:


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