I need your opinion about this skill. What are the most important biomechanic variables that can be studied in this skill. This skill is a rotational around horizontal bar. and its a linear when it move to the other bar. in this case should we study a linear variables on the full skill or angular variables .please look at attach file.
You can not say that the transfer between the bars is only linear because the gymnast performs a counter rotation at the same time.
First, in order to study and compare appropriately this movement, you need to normalize it to 100% (e.g. 0% arms vertically above the bottom bar, 100% gymnast vertically under the top bar) and to define precisely some important position during the chronological execution of the element.
The relevant information are multiple and none should be ignored to get an optimal analysis:
- Angular momentum and rotation speed
- Timing of actions and changes in position
- Inter-joint coordination (i.e. has the movement of one joint to be done first or conjointly with another one)
- Define success criteria for each step you define
Then, you could have too to deal with which element comes before and which element do the gymnast after.
D. Arnaud Gouelle thank you very much for your answer. as you know the Angular momentum calculated by equation L = r x p.where r is the position vector of the particle relative to the origin.when the gymnast fly to catch other bar there is no origin so how can we get (r).
Dear Dr Attaallah, what I mean by angular moment is effectively to get values while the gymnast is holding the bar. As you know, the angular moment is obviously unvarying during the flying phase.
I can agree with the above but if you are looking at the biomechanics, try doing video and noticing the shoulder motion as well as the evenness of the leg swing. On the lower bar, just before the transfer and on the catch of the upper bar.
If you want a maneuver to quickly have the shoulders work more smoothly, evenly and efficiently call me at 203.366.2746 -- anyone can -- I will teach you the ABC First Rib Maneuver™ -- no charge of course. Immediately your shoulders will stay upright with no muscular effort, not slumping forward even when you totally relax your body. (other parts may collapse forward but your shoulders will stay back even in that collapse). I will also teach you to effectively do it on others.
This works out to being something quite important in these maneuvers adding power with less work as well as an evenness that makes the person doing the maneuver flow through it without needing as much strength to keep them on the most efficient line.
Your post treatment videos will almost all show noticeably smoother and easier maneuvers with the participants noting less effort to accomplish them.
I think you have to measure the kinematic data of shoulder, elbow, wrist joints and the pelvis. In addition the angular velocities of each joint. The kinetic data of the body during the landing on the force platform if possible
Dr. Mariam i exactly have these data but what i am asking about according to parallel axis theorem. there is two bars . between of them flight phase .which method to calculate the angular variables of the center of body in this phase (liner or angular)