Forewing: Male: R2 branches from cell with R3 and R4 branching from R2
Forewing: Female: R2 branches from upper angle of cell. R3 runs parallel to R2 with R4 branching off of R3.
Hind wing: Male: M2 and M3 branched for more than half of their length before the cell. CuA1 fusses with M2 closely approximate to border of the cell.
Hind wing: Female: M2 and M3 branched for less than half the length of the vein from the cell. CuA1 branches from well before the lower angle of the cell.
Gail Morland, 2015, The morphology and ecology of the Carob moth (Ectomyelois ceratoniae) (Zeller) in citrus orchards of the Western Cape, South Africa
We want to identify male and female in order to extract pheromone, we do not have the opportunity to key, because we are looking for a feature that we can quickly separate from each other.