Tourism is an obstacle to the preservation of heritage, so attention must be paid to sustainable tourism development that seeks to preserve the heritage
There are many challenges to preserving heritage, and we can all think of the practical ones - pressure from tourism, development, climate change - but one of the fundamental questions to ask is who's heritage are we preserving and why? If the preservation of heritage - whether natural or cultural heritage leads to social injustice - for example the removal of indigenous communities from their land - then who is heritage preservation for? I think the biggest challenge is in allowing people to decide what heritage is to them and what they want to conserve, to empower people to make those decisions and support them in an equitable and sustainable manner.
There are many challenges both man and natural phenomenon include lack of funds, unprofessionalism, government bureaucracy, weather condition, inadequate facilities, lack of dedication and commitment,
Since Tourism and related industries are one of the biggest economic sectors globally, they directly impact heritage. Therefore, in the process of preservation of heritage, facing a diverse range of challenges which are more case-specific and vary accordingly. However, the challenges are: Environmental factors, Social conflict, exploitation by overtourism, local economic leakages, ownership authorization, cultural dilution, an uncontrolled transitional shift in urban grain, and external development pressure on the rejuvenation process and integrated territorial conservation.
The expansion of protected areas deactivates the living parts of the city and the spirit of life. Therefore, pure protection simply disables other parts of the built environment. From standpoint of a restoration expert, I say that conservation is best done according to their various aspects of value. One of them is performance, historical value cannot be the only criterion.
Take a look at the ideas of Rem Koolhaas concerning of historic preservation.
I have impression that ”heritage” as a term has a different meaning depending on who we ask these days. I believe that for some people their entire heritage is their smartphone, and yes, this is sad.
Hello Kamil! That reflexion is correct, maybe the challenge is the concept: Heritage, is more broad, and the posibility for the apreciation culturals resourses. This say, more refletion about of the values and means material and inmaterial, relations with de sites and place natural and cultural relations!