I am afraid that Abacus approach is not appropriate for the design of materials containing transition metal carbide particles. They are too unusual fillers/inclusions, especially in ceramic-ceramic composites.
I am afraid that Abacus approach is not appropriate for the design of materials containing transition metal carbide particles. They are too unusual fillers/inclusions, especially in ceramic-ceramic composites.
Could you please suggest me any appropriate method to incorporate cracking properties of TiC ceramic particles in abaqus. I tried to attain Johnson-Holmquist ceramic constitutive constants but i am not succeed.
can you please point out a direction to move further in my research.
I can only suggest some proceedings, which have been applied for WC-Co hard alloys. You can find them in literature and export the data for TiC corrected from those ones applied for WC properties there. However, to make this correction is not easy...