PH meter is more accurate as it does not need any manual handling. Titration is inaccurate for human errors. PH 4.3 is quite an weak acid. So the error will be quite large.
A titration curve is a curve in the plane whose x-coordinate is the volume of titrant added since the beginning of the titration, and whose y-coordinate is the concentration of the analyte at the corresponding stage of the titration (in an acid-base titration, the y-coordinate is usually the pH of the solution).
Michael ! What do you mean by this? Today I opened this thread and found your comment / answer. Of-course you have the full right to decline answering my question.
A pH electrode is the correct equipment to measure the actual pH around 4.3. There is no other method which generally can be applied.
As Michael Päch already mentioned titration cannot be used to determine the pH of a sample. By definition titration add a reagent to the sample to quantify an amount of a substance that can react. The pH is defined as the activity of hydrogen ion and if any acid-base is added it will change the activity without determining the activity.