It feels difficult to understand directly from research and review papers. I need to clear my concepts of energy level diagrams i.e physics and electronics, type of characterizations and their interpretations etc.
You need to study the semiconductor material properties. Then you go to the properties of homo and hetero junctions diodes. After that you can study the properties of solar cells. Solar cells are basically built around homo or heterojunction diodes absorbing part of the incident solar radiation. Because the contact difference of potential, the junction build an internal electric field that separates the electron hole pairs to the outside metallic electrodes contacting the semiconductor material absorbing the light. The accumulated charges on the electrode can derive current in a load connected across the cell.
The course in this Link may help you. It i written in a simple language:
The following are the requirements for choosing a material for solar cells:
1. You should be able to create built in potential as high as possible by making homojunction, hereojunction or metal - semiconductor junction.
2. The absorption coefficient of the material should be high in the visible portion of light.
3. As the maxima of intensity vs energy in sun light occurs at 1.5 eV, the band gap of the semiconductor should be around 1.5 eV for good conversion efficiency.
3. The life time of the generated charge carriers should be sufficient so that they are separated by built in potential before recombination. That has a meaning that defect density should be as small as possible.
4. Mobility of charge carriers should be high, series resistance should be low.
5. For commercial appliation, pay back period should be small.
The basic principle is that, in presence of light, barrier hight decreases allowing the current flow in the load connected across the cell as long as the light is on.
You can go through any standard text book on solar cells for more details of increasing efficiency in solar cells.