30 November 2013 7 5K Report

I have been looking at Th17 cells. I usually stimulate my PBMCs with PMA, ionomycin, and monensin, perform surface and intracellular staining. Here is my gating strategy: Gate down CD3+CD8- cells (that should include mostly helper T-cells and few NKT) to determine RORgt+ IL-17+ cells. In some of the patients' samples, I notice that the frequency of RORgt+ IL-17- population is higher than the healthy control. Therefore, I am curious to learn more about this cell subset. I have been buying anti-RORgt antibody from ebiosciences, other than Th17 cells the receptor RORgt also expresses on CD4+CD8+DP cells and other than RORgt, the antibody does show binding with RORg. As expected, Th17 cells exhibit brighter expression of IL-17 than the other helper T cell subsets but display intermediate expression of RORgt. I'm eager to know why these cells show intermediate expression of RORgt and what are the IL-17- RORgt+ cells? I would be thankful if someone can explain this in light of his/her findings.

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