Hello, greetings.
I was wondering about possible outcomes of estrogen hormones supplementation in light of fatty liver disease in women with PCOS.
As PCOS and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease share some possible common pathophisiological tracts, i.e. insulin resistance, the prevalence of fatty liver disease in this group of patients is propably underestimated.
I was wondering about possible data on influence of estrogens supplementation (which lasts for many years in this group of patients) on course of NAFLD or even it's progression/regression?
I found a little data on this problem (see link below), or maybe I am not searching for it sufficiently well. This article concludes that estrogens may have possible hepato-protective action.
On the other hand, I've had always in my mind, that chronic liver disease remains a contrindication for estrogen-based contraception.
Maybe you have some thoughts on this topic.