04 April 2015 16 641 Report

Could you kindly help me to specify what could be possible cause of my problem with band in Western blot as showed in my attach picture? picture 1 is 40 kda, picture 2 is 60 kda.

1. Some time, the band is not straight, a bit deformed like the leftmost band in the figure 1.

2. I often get the band which has faint or disappearing in the middle part as most band in both figures and especially second rightmost band in the figure 1.

I use Biorad's Mini-Protean system, 10well, 1.5cm comb, sample solution is 5 uL/well, homemade SDS-PAGE gel: 12% resolving and 4% stacking, SDS running buffer, running at 60V for 10min then 200V for 39min, fresh Towbin with 20% methanol transfer buffer, clear bubbles with glass stick, transferring at 100V for 1hr. The membrane is PVDF, wet with 100%methanol for 1min and transfer buffer for another 15min.

Thank you so much


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