I ran the western blot for 16 rat lung samples simultaneously and probed with Anti-SpA antibody. It did not come out well. I am not able to figure out what went wrong.

I had luck with the test run which is on the left, but did not work the next time. I feel like I did everything pretty much the same as test run, but still it did not come out well.

I have attached the picture. Can anyone help me figure what went wrong?

In the test run the bands were clear and had migrated to appropriate site, but in the next one the bands are distorted, streaky, destroyed.

Gel 4-20% gradient

Protein load: 80mcg/well

Sample: Rat lung homogenate (lysis by sonication in Sodium azide, PMSF and PBS)

Semi Dry membrane transfer

PVDF membrane

Blocking buffer: 5% BSA

Imaged with Licor Oddessey infrared imager

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