We found that sliding of cartilage against an artificial meniscus could increase friction during the swing phase and long term elevated friction could cause cartilage wear.
I truly think that this depend on the age of the person. I think with old age swing is slower and friction is higher. It like when you rub two surfaces together: at slower speed the friction is closer to static and it is higher then dynamic friction.
The sliding of cartilage against an artificial meniscus is differ in comparison with native one in tribological sense. This phenomenon is thoroughly analyzed in mentioned above paper of Sara Ehsani Majd, et al 2017_Majd_An in vitro Study of Cartilage–Meniscus Tribology to Understand the Changes Caused by a Meniscus Implant.pdf
The preserving native elastohydrodynamic friction is the principal aspect in developing of adequate joint implants, see, for example, the paper of Suslov A.A., et al "The role of liquid phase and porous structure of cartilage in formation of biomechanical properties of joints. Part 2 // Russian Journal of Biomechanics. – 2008. – Vol. 12, No. 4. – P. 31–37.