Dear All,
I would like to ask you about variation partitioning analysis by using vegan in R. Here is my data.
Partition of variation in RDA
Call: varpart(Y = myY, X = ~V10, ~V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + V5 + V6 + V7 + V8 +
V9, data = myX, transfo = "hel")
Species transformation: hellinger
Explanatory tables:
X1: ~V10
X2: ~V1 + V2 + V3 + V4 + V5 + V6 + V7 + V8 + V9
No. of explanatory tables: 2
Total variation (SS): 1.3749
Variance: 0.12499
No. of observations: 12
Partition table:
Df R.squared Adj.R.squared Testable
[a+b] = X1 1 0.54823 0.50305 TRUE
[b+c] = X2 9 0.97764 0.87703 TRUE
[a+b+c] = X1+X2 10 0.98426 0.82686 TRUE
Individual fractions
[a] = X1|X2 1 -0.05017 TRUE
[b] 0 0.55322 FALSE
[c] = X2|X1 9 0.32381 TRUE
[d] = Residuals 0.17314 FALSE
And, I got venn diagram like in attached photo. I would like to know if I can use this figure. Because, the first R2 showed negative (-). And also, the residual value is so big.
best regards