Dear all,
I wanted to simulate flanges on a wind turbine tower. For this porpuse two different models were created.
1) Using tie constraints. Each segment (3 in total, so 2 connections) has a flange of the form of a shell ring of thickness 0.06 and width of 0.15. Flanges are glued together via tie constraints giving a total thickness of 0.12.(Figure 1)
2) Create a shell ring of thickness 0.12. Instead of using tie constraints and connect two different parts together a shell ring of width 0.15 and thickness 0.12 is created from the beginning.(FIgure 2)
The problem here is I am getting different Von mises stresses for each case. In case 1) max V.Mises is 1.341e6 and its location is at lower flange. In case 2) max V.Mises is 1.146e6 and its location is away from lower flange. I was expecting to get a similar response fro both cases since total thickness of the flange is the same and every other dimension is the same as well as BC. Any ideas will be great.
Ps 1. Please do not mention solids for flanges, I wanted to use shells
Ps 2. I also uploaded the .inp files for both models in case someone have time to take a look. gna_US-> no tie constraints are used , gna-> tie constraints are used