I currently am attempting to insert a new promoter sequence ahead of my gene of interest using the Gateway cloning method (Tol2Kit: Article The Tol2kit: A multisite gateway-based construction Kit for ...

). The final stage of this method (the LR reaction) uses several entry vectors, each of which contain either the promoter, gene, or 3' terminal sequences, which are combine specifically into a destination vector to form the final construct. I currently have my final pDestination vector which has my gene of interest (gene X) under a specific promoter (promoter A). I want to replace the exiting promoter with a new one (promoter B). Can I repeat the LR reaction with only the entry vector for p5E-Promoter B and pDest-PromoterA:geneX? I don't have access to the original entry vectors currently, otherwise I would just set the entire reaction up again. I am unsure if the attB4/attB1 sites will be able to recombine again. Thank you all for your insight.
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