Hello all,
I hope all of you are doing fine.
As we know well that Glucagon and Glucocorticoid activate hepatic gluconeogenesis via cAMP. I found a paper using cAMP/dex to treat to cultured cell in order to check the variation of gene expression with and without treatment (cAMP+dex). The result showed that treating cell with cAMP+dex increased the expression of the gene. Then, they concluded that Glucogon enhanced that gene expression via cAMP.
My question is that why did they drawn a conclusion that glucagon affect the gene expression without using glucagon? or they mimic the signaling of glucagon by using cAMP+dex?.
Secondly, why didn't they treat the cell with glucagon+dex to treat the cell if they want to elucidate the regulation of glucagon?
Link of the paper: http://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/content/60/11/2763.long
Figure 2A-C
Thank you very much for all replies