Hi community,

I am doing my phd in Nanoelectronics, I just started it and I am doing Bibliography part. With regard to this I was learning about the 12 term error term model for 2 port network system and I came acorss the measured S parameter equations as listed below:

S11M = b0/a0 = e00+(e10e01)S11 -e22Δs/(1-e11S11-e22S22+e11e22Δs)

S21M = b3/a0 = e30+(e10e32)S21s/(1-e11S11-e22S22+e11e22Δs)

S22M = b'3/a'3 = e'33+(e'23e'32)S22 -e'11Δs/(1-e'11S11-e'22S22+e'11e'22Δs)

S&2M = b'0/a'3 = e'03+(e'23e'01)S12/(1-e'11S11-e'22S22+e'11e'22Δs)

where Δs =S11S22-S21S12

Could anyone please provide the derivation of it? All the textbooks and various websites in the internet there is no derivation of this equations, they have directly used it; If anyone could please provide the derivation of these formulas or provide me a link, it would be really beneficial for my further study;

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Kind Regards,

Jojo Varghese

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