there is no general problem using short sequencing primers ( pyrosequencing works well with them) so long as they only anneal at the right position and have no looping self complementarity and can anneal at the extension temperature of the sequencing kit but how short are you thinking. If the problem is getting as much sequence as possible from a short template then clone it and use vector primers to sequence and get the whole template sequence
Basically, as we need to sequence fragments longer than 500bp, we design internal forward sequencing primer to the end of sequence that we have from forward sequencing!! In addition, not all PCR products can be sequenced with reverse primer.
there is no general problem using short sequencing primers ( pyrosequencing works well with them) so long as they only anneal at the right position and have no looping self complementarity and can anneal at the extension temperature of the sequencing kit but how short are you thinking. If the problem is getting as much sequence as possible from a short template then clone it and use vector primers to sequence and get the whole template sequence