Geophysicists have an understanding of the mechanism and causes of earthquakes in the contact zones of tectonic plates. Here, earthquakes occur as a result of the spreading of tectonic plates. Geophysicists have an understanding of the mechanism but not the causes of earthquakes in transform fault zones. Geophysicists have no understanding of either the mechanism or causes of earthquakes with epicenters inside tectonic plates. There is no understanding of the causes of repeated strong shocks. They are simply called foreshocks and aftershocks. about the cause of the aftershock of the Turkish earthquake, there is information in my discussion "The earthquake in Turkey is a consequence of planetary scale geodeformations. Is the concept of stress accumulation before an earthquake wrong?". The theory is in my discussion "Ocean tides and deformations of the Earth's surface of tidal origin have different physics of the process. Why?".
I will give the actual data on earthquakes with a magnitude of more than seven in Turkey on February 6, 2023. Data from open sources on the Internet.
Judging by the Moment tensor map data, both earthquakes had the same Focal_mechanism - Left-lateral strike-slip. The first shock was caused by a shift in direction southwest - northeast. The second shock is caused by a shift in the direction west - east. This was confirmed by the intensity maps of shaking from earthquakes.
With a vertical amplitude of semidiurnal tides in the solid body of the Earth from -13 to +23 cm cm during earthquakes, the indicated amplitudes of horizontal and vertical tidal displacements completely coincided. 12 hours after the aftershock, the amplitude of the vertical tidal displacement decreased only by 5% (it remained high).
Conclusion. While maintaining significant geodeformation energy throughout the whole day of February 6, which was caused by geodeformations on February 3 in changes in the gravitational field, the first earthquake significantly weakened (did not destroy) the tectonic structures of the Eastern Anatolian Fault (azimuth 45 degrees). The aftershock was inevitable. When the tide in the solid body of the Earth repeated itself in phase and amplitude, an aftershock occurred under conditions of powerful geodeformations on a planetary scale. By the second earthquake, the tectonic structures of the Eastern Anatolian Fault were destroyed and transformed into structures with an azimuth of 90 degrees. The third earthquake was already inexpedient, although at 10 pm on February 6 there was quite a lot of energy.
Note. The tides in the solid body of the Earth deform the planet along the parallels and meridians and all existing fault systems (azimuths 17, 35, 45, 62, 77 degrees) transform into a system of block divisibility of the lithosphere 90 degrees.