If you are many years old and you see that they want to steal a patent, would it be right to give the patent to people?

For more than twenty years I have been researching the genesis of earthquakes. In 2005, I discovered the physics of the earthquake process and constants that allow us to accurately calculate the parameters of a future earthquake. The forecast is ten to tens of hours ahead of the onset of the earthquake.

The reliability of the forecast is 95 - 100%. The scientific examination gave a positive conclusion. The test results are positive, there is not a single error.

Age and health remind that no country is willing to finance implementation because it is easier for seismologists to earn salaries and simulate forecasting. Tens of thousands will die, but seismologists don't care.

Fraudsters are trying to seize part of the patent.

In these circumstances, would it be correct to declare to the Patent Office that the patent can be opened for worldwide implementation without payment?

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