12 February 2021 6 795 Report

Hi guys,

I have no experience and little knowledge on immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy. I tried to visualize the expression of FXR in my cells (THP-1 macrophages), yet I did not succeed. I added a picture of what I saw. Could someone help me and suggest what went wrong here? I would really appreciate any help, as I am fairly lost at the moment.

I fixed my cells with 100% methanol, washed, added the primary FXR antibody, washed, added the secondary Alexa Fluor-488 antibody (green), washed, added DRAQ5 for the nuclei staining (magenta) and then finally washed again.

It seems the nuclei staining has gone allright, yet I have no clue what is happening with the antibody. Is it most likely that something with the sample went wrong or could it simply be that I have to adjust some settings?

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