21 September 2019 5 7K Report

A question for Trichoderma specialists - has any research been done on the morphogenesis of conidiophores in Trichoderma and how that might relate to mycoparasitic structures? What I've noticed is that Trichoderma harzianum hyphae tend to form these dense branchlet structures that look a lot like developing conidiophores. However, they don't always develop to conidiophores, but often can meet an form anastomosing structures between the main-branch hyphae or even become the source of appresoria. In dual cultures with other species, Trichoderma seems to form a lot of these branchlets at the growth front compared to when it is growing alone.

If this is a widely-known phenomenon, could someone point me to literature on the topic? I'm not finding much via a Google Scholar search.

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