I used the spin coating to make a thin film of graphene oxide on the glass substrate and image it using 100x Microscope and I got this! could anyone help me with this results.Thanks
Those are big flakes of graphite oxide. You have to filter or centrifugate suspension before coating. When You oxidise graphite, You get a mixture of various size and shape pieces of product...
Those are big flakes of graphite oxide. You have to filter or centrifugate suspension before coating. When You oxidise graphite, You get a mixture of various size and shape pieces of product...
Sometimes it can just be some junk or salts or it could be big flakes of graphite oxide as pointed by Tomasz. To determine the exact composition of those particles perform EDX.
I appreciated your answers. As you know the graphene filtration is very complex process. could you elaborate how the filtration via centrifugate could happen? because I did it as fellow:
After the process of Exfoliation is finished, then wash the graphite oxide multiple times via HCL & Dist. water to remove the excess of minerals then filtrate the graphite oxide on filter paper to make it dry. Take a certain quantity of it in order to make a solution and centrifugate with 5000 RPM for 30 mins multiple times until get a clear supertantent and black solid down in tubes, then remove the Supernatant away and dry the solid, which is filtrated graphite oxide. then use the probe Sonication to make the graphite in range nano scale that set,
finally I attached another picture so do you see any graphene flackes in nano scale has been viewed in this pictures
You could scan other areas too in the sample. Also play with sample concen for better images. Do EDX measurements for composition determination.
Since you have washed with dil HCl and water several times, chances of salt are rare. But you can't rule out junk. They could also be graphene flakes. This will be resolved only by EDX.