I was measuring UV-spectroscopy Transmission and absorption modes for thin film of graphene oxide on glass. and unfortunately no peaks have seen in results. I guess it's necessary to deposit thin film on quartz substrate?
A transparent substrate is required. Glass begins to cut off below about 350nm, and quartz is normally the favoured alternative for UV transmission below this.
A transparent substrate is required. Glass begins to cut off below about 350nm, and quartz is normally the favoured alternative for UV transmission below this.
It depends on the transparency window you need for your analysis.
As already mentioned, you should check the cut off of your glass, of quartz and i would suggest also to consider transparent polymers as PMMA. Then, you can use the best substrate according to your needs.
What is the meaning of "no peaks" ? Zero transmission or 100% transmission.
As Andrea and Hugh mentioned the investigated range is very important if you perform UV-vis measurements. I always suggest my students to measure against air and check the signal of the sample holders. It is most important that sufficient light intensity is used to calculate the signal. If the absorbance of your film is too low you have to measure a stack (most likely on fused silica slides)
Thank you too much for your answer, I've attached result of UV of Graphene oxide deposited on glass film. I considered the main reason for hiding the graphene oxide peaks is that the glass absorb the energy of UV and many scientist advised me to use Quartz instead of glass.