I am growing Mouse Prostate organoids in the Matrigel domes and they achieve their appropriate size after 7 days.

I tried to transfect full grown organoids at 7 day using si3D-FectIN , but it didn’t work as si3D-FectIN could not penetrate the polymerised matrigel. I am using BLOCK-iT™ Alexa Fluor® Red Fluorescent as a Control (50nM).

Then i seeded the cells in the matrigel along with the si3D-FectIN transfection complex same day.The organoids started to grow, although less in number and size.

However i could not see any fluorescence in the bigger organoids at 3,4,5,6,7 th day. However i could see fluorescence in very small organoids.

How to increase transfection efficiency especially in case of bigger organoids?

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