Looking for any tips to measure phospho STAT3 in the proteins extracted from Trizol.
I have very limited sample size ( human synovial tissue biopsy) and priority is to mesure gene expression. However I would lkie to also to measure pSTAT3. MAy protocols available online to extract proteins from Trizol and also litereture shows that phospho proteins can be mesured by WB. Unfortunatelly for my sampoe size the WB is not senitive nough and I am looking into using ELISA or CBA assay.
I will be using Aceton precipitation of protein from Trizol ( after RNA and DNA extractions) following the protocol of
Direct-zol DNA/RNA Miniprep kit and I was wondering what I could use to resuspend the pellet?
Will the pellet resuspend in the diluition buffer supplied in the ELISA kit? Many people on Reseachgate etc.. complained that pellets don't resuspend well and I am aware that not all buffers will be suitable for ELISA ( some may block abs binding).
Can anyone comment/recommend a potential way of preparing the proteins for phospho ELISA?
Thank you Agata